Downside is (I think!), you only get 3 Ultimate upgrade chances on 1 account, so you lose an upgrade count by getting free U11, so that only leaves you U12 final. The plus side is, i'd get to use spark variations on my laptop(currently PCIe desktop). It would be great if they would say what would be given in U11. When a new U bundle comes out, it's then priced at £999 (for me), as for the last few bundles/years, then later in the yearly/bundle cycle, it will (usually/probably/hopefully) be reduced once again to £699 (for me). Doesn't seem much of a carrot, but gets you to buy before they close out the big price reduction on the U bundle, usually a yearly cycle, so in my case, I can currently up to U10 for £699, when the offer is closed, it then goes back to £999.

Only Hitsville EQ collection beyond 9.15.1 so unless they release more UA plugs before U11 in November, it'll just be the one mentioned (& they only got a few weeks to do it!!).