For Identity Manager 4.7.x and 4.8.0 versions:.Important: You must ensure to replace the jetty-all-9.4.6.v20170531-uber.jar in \NetIQ\IdentityManager\NDS (local installation) or \Novell\RemoteLoader\64bit (remote installation) with jetty-all-9.4.34.v20201102-uber.jar extracted from Common folder. For example, \NetIQ\IdentityManager\NDS (local installation) or \Novell\RemoteLoader\64bit (remote installation). Windows: Copy the RESTCommon.jar, RESTDriverShim.jar, RESTUtil.jar files to your driver installation folder.Important: You must ensure to replace the jetty-all-9.4.6.v20170531-uber.jar in /opt/novell/eDirectory/lib/dirxml/classes with jetty-all-9.4.34.v20201102-uber.jar extracted from the Common folder. If you are upgrading the patch, run the following command:.Linux: Install the new netiq-DXMLRESTDrv.rpm in your driver installation directory by running one of the following command in a terminal window:.Navigate to the extracted directory and perform one of the following actions for your platform:.On the server where you want apply the driver patch, log in as root.For Identity Manager 4.8.1 and 4.8.2 versions:.(Conditional) To update the driver files as a root user:.

Download and unzip the contents of the IDM_REST_1121.zip file to a temporary location on your computer.(Conditional) If the driver is running with a Remote Loader instance, stop the driver and the Remote Loader instance.(Conditional) If the driver is running locally, stop the driver instance and the Identity Vault.Take a back-up of the current driver configuration.

The driver upgrade process involves the following tasks:

The driver version will be changed to after the patch is applied. This update is applicable for REST drivers running Identity Manager 4.7.x or Identity Manager 4.8.x, or later.